You can become a superhero of automation and development by learning and practicing. This is our blog from our learnings and practice.
We are consultants and trainers in Cloud Foundry, devops automation and continous delivery. We have the best jobs in the world helping you have the best job in the world.
![Adding MySQL service to your TryCF Cloud Foundry](../../../wp-content/uploads/adding-mysql-service-to-your-trycf-cloud-foundry-300x123.jpg)
TryCF is a service that makes it very simple to deploy Cloud Foundry in your AWS account. Every piece running in a single VM. It’s not a static installation – not by a long [1] shot. TryCF contains a working BOSH, using the Warden CPI – each component of Cloud Foundry is running inside a
![One-stop shop for BOSH releases](../../../wp-content/uploads/one-stop-shop-for-bosh-releases-300x123.jpg)
When I said "today’s project", literally I spent a day on it. But it was a good day! Previously I pined for a single site where I could find and download BOSH releases, similar to what every packaging community already has. Today I did the simplest iteration towards that – I have created and listed
![Making BOSH releases more social](../../../wp-content/uploads/making-bosh-releases-more-social-300x123.jpg)
BOSH is a system for running your production systems on AWS, OpenStack, vSphere, vCHS, Google Compute Engine and more. A production system is described by a BOSH release. Some BOSH releases are for bespoke internal applications; others are communal open source systems such as Cloud Foundry. As an author, it should be easy to create
![Quick guide to using Monit in BOSH](../../../wp-content/uploads/quick-guide-to-using-monit-in-bosh-300x123.jpg)
Writing your own BOSH release/configuration management is relatively simple – you get monit, and monit is relatively simple. There are some interesting basics and interesting top tips for using monit with BOSH. When is monit used? When you are writing a BOSH release, each job template (the folders within the jobs/ folder of a release)
![How to install Splunk and the Boundary plugin on a new CentOS 6.5 install](../../../wp-content/uploads/how-to-install-splunk-and-the-boundary-plugin-on-a-new-centos-6-5-install-300x123.jpg)
Basic Setup As root execute the following to download and install some basic linux apps: sudo su – yum install git wget vim htop lsof iftop -y Download the Installer Now we will download the appropriate linux installer for Splunk wget -O splunk-6.1.1-207789-linux-2.6-x86_64.rpm ‘’; New or additional downloads are available at Run the installer
![Converting Openstack QCOW2 stemcell to RAW stemcell](../../../wp-content/uploads/converting-openstack-qcow2-stemcell-to-raw-stemcell-300x123.jpg)
BOSH openstack stemcells are QCOW2 format by default. If you need RAW stemcell version. Use the following script. #!/bin/bash if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then echo ‘Usage: <tgz stemcell>’ exit 0 fi original_dir=$(pwd) tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t stemcell) cp $1 $tmpdir/ pushd $tmpdir tar zxvf $1 rm $1 tar zxvf image qemu-img convert
![Small to Mid-Range Cloud Foundry – Closing The Gap](../../../wp-content/uploads/small-to-mid-range-cloud-foundry-closing-the-gap-300x123.jpg)
There are many ways to run Cloud Foundry. When you search for articles on getting started, you usually find them tailored for 2 camps of people: Developers: Articles of this pedigree typically focus on how to get a minimal "development environment" running, and how to get an application deployed on the platform in question. A
![Running bosh-lite on vSphere Hypervisor Free Edition](../../../wp-content/uploads/running-bosh-lite-on-vsphere-hypervisor-free-edition-300x123.jpg)
When I was searching for a platform to run my personal blog, I made a list of requirements for this platform: The application should run on Cloud Foundry. In fact, I want to install Ghost using Dr. Nic’s tutorial on Deploying Ghost blog on Cloud Foundry I want to run Cloud Foundry on my own
![Guaranteeing the future for developers with the Cloud Foundry Foundation](../../../wp-content/uploads/guaranteeing-the-future-for-developers-with-the-cloud-foundry-foundation-300x123.jpg)
"OMG I can’t believe how nice it was deploying to Cloud Foundry" – Stark & Wayne customer. Everyone deserves nice things. End users deserve nice web applications and mobile apps. Software developers deserve nice platforms for delivering web applications and mobile apps. Operations people deserve nice platforms that let them give the controls and monitoring