Guaranteeing the future for developers with the Cloud Foundry Foundation


"OMG I can’t believe how nice it was deploying to Cloud Foundry" – Stark & Wayne customer.

Everyone deserves nice things. End users deserve nice web applications and mobile apps. Software developers deserve nice platforms for delivering web applications and mobile apps. Operations people deserve nice platforms that let them give the controls and monitoring to the developers. End users, developers and operations deserve Cloud Foundry.

Next, developers and operations deserve to know if Cloud Foundry will be actively developed and successful. The history of Cloud Foundry is 4 years of continuous, heavy development by Pivotal and VMWare. In the present, Pivotal continues massive R&D in core Cloud Foundry and a health ecosystem of contributions and extensions is in full swing. But the future?

The future is now secure thanks to the Cloud Foundry Foundation announced earlier this year, led initially by Pivotal, IBM, VMWare, EMC, HP, Rackspace, and SAP.

Also joining the Foundation are Alpine Data Labs, Altoros, Anchora, Anynines, AppDynamics, Azul Systems, BlueBox, Canonical, CloudCredo, Docker, jFrog, MongoDB, Piston Cloud Computing, RedisLabs, and Telus. We are very thankful to have so many other great companies and their staff being excited for the future of Cloud Foundry.

Stark & Wayne has already been an active Cloud Foundry participant. Much of our client work is contributed back to upstream Cloud Foundry projects or new community projects.


Code contributions and client engagements are only one way to contribute. We want to continue to help through the Foundation, with the other Foundation members, and every end user and developer who falls in love with Cloud Foundry like we did.

And thanks again to Pivotal for believing so much in the future of Cloud Foundry. They are not just the major contributors to core open source Cloud Foundry, but the operators of hosted Pivotal Web Service where this Ghost blog is hosted and the onsite enterprise-grade Pivotal CF.

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