Running the CrunchyData Postgres Operator on Minikube

Why are we interested in Postgres on Kubernetes? I gave a talk last week on beginning the journey to getting PostgreSQL running on Kubernetes at the Buffalo Web Developers Database Meetup. There were examples on a simple deployment, configuring stateful sets, adding persistent volume claims and even a liveness probe. What I wanted to show was the “next step” where all the tribal knowledge around living with Postgres was wrapped into a Kubernetes Operator. Alas, I wasn’t able to figure it out in time for the meetup so this blog post was created.

Versions shown in this example:

  • minikube v1.1.1 with Kubernetes v1.14.0
  • CrunchData Postgres Operator v4.0.0

I’m calling out these particular versions because there are other examples out on the interwebs which deal with older versions and many of the instructions no longer apply.


  • minikube is installed, be sure to also have a hypervisor installed (VirtualBox, HyperKit, VMware Fusion)
  • You have golang installed (hint: brew install go)
  • Running on a Mac (only important for picking which flavor of pgo and expenv to grab)

Basic Install

There are instructions for the general installation of the operator at What we’ll be focusing on is instructions specifically for getting this to run on minikube so I’ll pull out a subset of the commands from the instructions and add a few which maybe weren’t the most obvious. Let’s get started!

Get the Project

This is a straight copy from the original instructions:

mkdir -p $HOME/odev/src/ $HOME/odev/bin $HOME/odev/pkgcd $HOME/odev/src/
git clone
cd postgres-operator
git checkout 4.0.0

Before you move onto the next step there are a couple of bits to add, namely getting the expenv and pgo executables into your PATH:

echo "Getting expenv..."
wget -O $HOME/odev/bin/expenv \
chmod +x $HOME/odev/bin/expenv
echo "Getting pgo..."
wget -O $HOME/odev/bin/pgo \
chmod +x $HOME/odev/bin/pgo

If you aren’t using osx switch expenv-mac and pgo-mac to use the binaries for your particular os.

Now back to the original instructions to set environment varialbes with a note, if you use zsh swap references to .bashrc below to .zshrc:

cat $HOME/odev/src/ >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc

Create the Namespaces

We’ll just use the defaults, this will result in a total of 3 namespaces getting created:

export NAMESPACE=pgouser1,pgouser2
make setupnamespaces

You can run this command multiple times, subsequent runs should produce output similar to:

cd deploy && ./
creating namespaces to deploy the Operator into...
namespace pgo is already created
creating namespaces for the Operator to watch and create PG clusters into...
namespace pgouser1 is already created
namespace pgouser2 is already created

Configure the Storage

One of the things we need to configure is persistent volumes claims for the Postgres data to live on. It would be sad to delete a pod and have the database lose all of its data.

Since we are using minikube there is a storage class already defined for us:

➜  postgres-operator git:(7fb5f613) ✗ kubectl get storageclasses
NAME                 PROVISIONER                AGE
standard (default)   58d

It is using hostpath which uses the underlying minikube vm as storage. Let’s leverage this knowledge and do a bit of tweaking, vim conf/postgres-operator/pgo.yaml and replace:

PrimaryStorage: storageos
BackupStorage: storageos
ReplicaStorage: storageos
BackrestStorage: storageos


PrimaryStorage: hostpathstorage
BackupStorage: hostpathstorage
ReplicaStorage: hostpathstorage
BackrestStorage: hostpathstorage

Configure the Operator Security

Let’s just keep it simple and use the original example:

cp ./conf/postgres-operator/pgouser $HOME/.pgouser
cp ./conf/postgres-operator/pgorole $HOME/.pgorole

Default Installation

When the pgo operator deploys and creates a Kubernetes service it will be exposed with a ClusterIP and not the more useful NodePort which it will need to log in. To make this change edit deploy/service.json and replace:

        "type": "ClusterIP",


        "type": "NodePort",

Now back to the original script:

make installrbac
make deployoperator

When this last operation is done you’ll see the following pods if was successfully deployed:

➜  postgres-operator git:(7fb5f613) ✗ kubectl get pods -n pgo
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
postgres-operator-9944d4499-l8kjc   3/3     Running   3          2d22h

Wire up pgo

pgo is the CLI used to manage Crunchy Data Postgres Clusters. To connect pgo to the service running on the three pods created in the previous section you need 3 pieces of information:

  1. The IP address of the service
  2. The external port the service is bound to
  3. The certificates

The first one is easy, simply run minikube status, the last line shows the IP address

➜  minikube status
host: Running
kubelet: Running
apiserver: Running
kubectl: Correctly Configured: pointing to minikube-vm at

To get the port use the kubectl get services command to show the port the postgres-operator service is bound to, in our case 31854:

➜  kubectl get services -n pgo
NAME                TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
postgres-operator   NodePort   <none>        8443:31854/TCP   3d1h

Using those two pieces of information we can now set the pgo API path:


Now for the certs, back to the original instructions these are loaded by:

export PGO_CA_CERT=$PGOROOT/conf/postgres-operator/server.crt
export PGO_CLIENT_CERT=$PGOROOT/conf/postgres-operator/server.crt
export PGO_CLIENT_KEY=$PGOROOT/conf/postgres-operator/server.key

If everything went happily you can run pgo version and see a message similar to:

➜  pgo version
pgo client version 4.0.0
pgo-apiserver version 4.0.0

If you see a message like the following (with the Error: output) you missed one of the previous steps and will need to fix it before you proceed:

➜  pgo version
pgo client version 4.0.0

It’s Alive!

Great, how do I use it? Good thinking. Let’s start with the basics and create a Postgres instance:

➜  pgo create cluster pickles -n pgouser1
created Pgcluster pickles
workflow id 48391e42-2099-4d51-8055-ad79d045018f

What happened? You created a postgres cluster in the pgouser1 kubernetes namespace with the name pickles. Why pickles? I’m weird and like pickles. To see the cluster run:

➜  kubectl get pods -n pgouser1
NAME                                              READY   STATUS
pickles-749d4bb77d-hw8z7                          1/1     Running
pickles-backrest-shared-repo-76df9cff78-cb58n     1/1     Running
pickles-stanza-create-kbmm7                       0/1     Completed

So the pickles database cluster is created and now you’ll need to know what port is mapped to connect to it so run kubectl get services:

➜  kubectl get services -n pgouser1
NAME                             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       PORT(S)
pickles                          ClusterIP   5432/TCP,9100/TCP,10000/TCP,2022/TCP,9187/TCP
pickles-backrest-shared-repo     ClusterIP    2022/TCP

Grrrr, there’s that pesky ClusterIP again. Without hacking the codebase we can modify the service to use NodePort instead. To do that pull down the service definition for pickles service via:

➜  kubectl get service pickles -n pgouser1 -o yaml > pgouser1.pickles.service.yaml

Edit the file (vim pgouser1.pickles.service.yaml) and replace:

  type: ClusterIP


  type: NodePort

Apply the configuration change to the service with the following command:

➜  kubectl apply -n pgouser1 -f pgouser1.pickles.service.yaml
Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply
service/pickles configured

If you rerun the kubectl get services -n pgouser1 command again you’ll see ports now added:

➜  kubectl get services -n pgouser1
NAME                             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       PORT(S)
pickles                          NodePort   5432:30814/TCP,9100:31207/TCP,10000:32264/TCP,2022:32022/TCP,9187:31960/TCP
pickles-backrest-shared-repo     ClusterIP    2022/TCP

From the previous command we can see the normal postgres 5432 port is bound to the external port of 30814 which means we now have all the information we need to connect to postgres, right?

➜  psql -h -p 30814 -U postgres postgres
Password for user postgres:

Password? You can try to guess, but you won’t get it for a while. The operator has set a password for the postgres user, to look up the users which were created by the operator use the pgo show user command:

➜  pgo show user pickles -n pgouser1
cluster : pickles
secret : pickles-postgres-secret
    username: postgres
    password: xaCkhNVGaJ
secret : pickles-primaryuser-secret
    username: primaryuser
    password: IorhwdDiVG
secret : pickles-testuser-secret
    username: testuser
    password: ZVKpDCGXOp

So the password for the postgres user is xaCkhNVGaJ, now we can log in:

➜  psql -h -p 30814 -U postgres postgres
Password for user postgres: <type the password here>
psql (11.2, server 11.3)
Type "help" for help.

We’re in!

Leveraging pgo for Database Operations

Below is a handpicked overview of the tribal knowledge of operations included with the operator. For a deeper dive refer to

Manual Backup & Restore

One of the first things we’ll show is the backup AND restore functionality of the operator. (a @drnic requirement for services)

This operator utilizes a tool called pgBackRest which is an improvement over pg_dump since it can leverage multiple cores to perform the backup and compression. The backups & restores can also be remote to the server and can perform full, incremental or differential backups. The pgBackRest tool is deployed as a pod by default when you create a cluster, below it is named pickles-backrest-shared-repo-76df9cff78-cb58n:

➜  kubectl get pods -n pgouser1
NAME                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
pickles-749d4bb77d-hw8z7                          1/1     Running     0          17h
pickles-backrest-shared-repo-76df9cff78-cb58n     1/1     Running     0          17h
pickles-stanza-create-kbmm7                       0/1     Completed   0          17h

Performing a manual full backup is simple using the pgo backup command:

➜  pgo backup pickles -n pgouser1
created Pgtask backrest-backup-pickles

To see the backups which are available the pgo show backup command can be used:

➜  pgo show backup pickles -n pgouser1
backrest : pickles
Storage Type: local
stanza: db
    status: ok
    cipher: none
    db (current)
        wal archive min/max (11-1): 000000010000000000000001/00000007000000000000000B
        full backup: 20190618-143358F
            timestamp start/stop: 2019-06-18 14:33:58 / 2019-06-18 14:34:12
            wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000004 / 000000010000000000000004
            database size: 30.3MB, backup size: 30.3MB
            repository size: 3.6MB, repository backup size: 3.6MB
        incr backup: 20190618-143358F_20190618-145825I
            timestamp start/stop: 2019-06-18 14:58:25 / 2019-06-18 14:58:29
            wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000006 / 000000010000000000000006
            database size: 30.4MB, backup size: 2.3MB
            repository size: 3.6MB, repository backup size: 229.9KB
            backup reference list: 20190618-143358F
        incr backup: 20190618-143358F_20190618-150535I
            timestamp start/stop: 2019-06-18 15:05:35 / 2019-06-18 15:05:44
            wal start/stop: 000000020000000000000009 / 000000020000000000000009
            database size: 30.5MB, backup size: 353.4KB
            repository size: 3.6MB, repository backup size: 21.2KB
            backup reference list: 20190618-143358F, 20190618-143358F_20190618-145825I

The above shows 3 backups. The first one is a full backup, the next two are incremental backups that contain only the changes from the full backup. Leveraging the full and two incremental backups the database can be restored to any point in time between 2019-06-18 14:33:58 and 2019-06-18 15:05:35.

To manually kick off a point-in-time-recovery (PITR) use the pgo restore command:

➜  pgo restore pickles --pitr-target="2019-06-18 14:34:26.279693+00" --backup-opts="--type=time --log-level-console=info" -n pgouser1
Warning:  If currently running, the primary database in this cluster will be stopped and recreated as part of this workflow!
WARNING: Are you sure? (yes/no): yes
restore performed on pickles to pickles-ubsl opts=--type=time --log-level-console=info pitr-target=2019-06-18 14:34:26.279693+00
workflow id 463d5103-5d2b-4dd7-901f-f49f7f599166

While the restore is running you won’t be able to log in (no surprise), when the restore is complete you’ll be able to log back in.

Scheduled Backups

Manual backups are a nice start, none of this counts until unless the full and incremental backups can be scheduled. To do this, start with scheduling a full backup:

➜  pgo create schedule pickles --schedule="0 1 * * SUN" \
    --schedule-type=pgbackrest --pgbackrest-backup-type=full -n pgouser1
created schedule pickles-pgbackrest-full for cluster pickles

Then schedule more frequent incremental backups:

➜  pgo create schedule pickles --schedule="0 1 * * MON-SAT" \
    --schedule-type=pgbackrest --pgbackrest-backup-type=diff -n pgouser1
created schedule pickles-pgbackrest-diff for cluster pickles

To see the backup schedules run a pgo show schedule command:

➜  pgo show schedule pickles -n pgouser1
    schedule: 0 1 * * MON-SAT
    schedule-type: pgbackrest
    backup-type: diff
    schedule: 0 1 * * SUN
    schedule-type: pgbackrest
    backup-type: full

Create and Connect to a Replica

Adding a replica is almost trivial with the scale command:

➜  pgo scale pickles -n pgouser1
WARNING: Are you sure? (yes/no): yes
created Pgreplica pickles-ucsm

You can see an additional pod named pickles-ucsm has been created in the pogouser1 namespace:

➜  kubectl get pods -n pgouser1
NAME                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
pickles-749d4bb77d-hw8z7                          1/1     Running     0          17h
pickles-backrest-shared-repo-76df9cff78-cb58n     1/1     Running     0          17h
pickles-stanza-create-kbmm7                       0/1     Completed   0          17h
pickles-ucsm-595b968cdc-dvd57                     1/1     Running     0          27s

Looking at the services you’ll see that the pickles-replica has been registered as a ClusterIP:

➜  kubectl get services -n pgouser1
NAME                             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       PORT(S)
pickles                          NodePort   5432:30814/TCP,9100:31207/TCP,10000:32264/TCP,2022:32022/TCP,9187:31960/TCP
pickles-backrest-shared-repo     ClusterIP    2022/TCP
pickles-replica                  ClusterIP    5432/TCP,9100/TCP,10000/TCP,2022/TCP,9187/TCP

To connect to the replica remotely we’ll need to download the service yaml and again switch the pickles-replica service from ClusterIP to NodePort, then apply the modified service yaml file:

➜  kubectl get service pickles-replica -n pgouser1 -o yaml > pgouser1-replica.pickles.service.yaml
➜  vim pgouser1-replica.pickles.service.yaml  # replacing ClusterIP with NodePort
➜  kubectl apply -n pgouser1 -f pgouser1-replica.pickles.service.yaml
Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply
service/pickles-replica configured

Taking a peek at the services again you can see the replica postgres port has been assigned port 31199:

➜  kubectl get service pickles-replica -n pgouser1
NAME                             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       PORT(S)
pickles-replica                  NodePort    5432:31199/TCP,9100:30839/TCP,10000:30365/TCP,2022:32174/TCP,9187:32043/TCP

Now you can connect to the replica with psql by using the minikube IP and pickles-replica exposed port. Since it is a replica you can also see you cannot perform write operations:

➜  psql -h -p 31199 -U postgres postgres
Password for user postgres:
psql (11.2, server 11.3)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# create table hi(hello int);
ERROR:  cannot execute CREATE TABLE in a read-only transaction

Other Commands

There are a bunch of other nifty tricks this operator can do:

  • Perform minor version upgrades of the cluster
  • Scale a cluster back down
  • Perform data loads
  • Policy based on labels, allowing you to perform SQL maintenance on all deployments with a matching label
  • A built-in test function to verify postgres is running. This is less helpful in a minikube deployment because of the NodePort but useful elsewhere.
  • Ability to do a pg_ctl reload command from the pgo cli
  • The pgbench tool is available through pgo benchmark command

Please explore these and more here.

Final Thoughts

This is the first Postgres Operator I’ve taken a look at. There may be better ones which folks can chat about in the comments section below. Whichever one you chose, make sure to test your backups and restores regularly!

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